My Stitchin' Place!

Hello Friends.  When I can, I spend my weekends during the summer months at the cottage or 'camp' if you are from Northern Ontario.

 We are fairly remote which means I do not have electrical power – this means: no television, Internet, the comforts of indoor climate control, infinite power from wall circuits etc.  We do however use solar energy, which gives us the illusion of electricity with flip-switch lighting along with a propane (gas) stove/fridge and, of course, a Sauna. 

 The Sauna is the focal point and often competes with the kitchen as the heart of the home. It provides us with hot water and a warm place to wash, which is rich part of our heritage as the Sauna offers sanctuary to carry out a ritual of cleansing.  Camp is the place that I do hand work.  I usually have several binding that need stitching as well as all those projects that I long to stitch but never seem to have the time. Often, it seems like there is nothing but time at the lake, although it always seems to fly by and I leave wishing I could stay longer.

 A few years ago a very dear friend of mine taught me to do red work and also introduced me to wool felt appliqué.  Now I collect projects all winter to bring to camp to stitch.  It seems fitting as it is quiet, peaceful and, well… let's just say I have yet to lose my temper while doing this type of stitching!

 Camp is also where I feel the most creative.  I suppose it is the proximity to the water, trees and fresh air. It really is the little things like watching the squirrels run up and down the trees or that moment when a loon surfaces a few feet away from the dock for a look around. It's my 'Zen' zone! So, this evening I write to you while sitting in my favourite chair at the table facing the lake at the camp, needle in hand, stitching and listening to Randy Backman on the CBC radio.  I leave you this week with this question: Do you have a special spot that you enjoy stitching or being creative?  Send me your comments and pictures! I would love to see them and share them for all to enjoy and be inspired.

 Well that's all for now, time for sauna!  Until next time, stay safe, eat some rhubarb and get stitching!