I'm Back! Even though I never really left.


Hello Friends. I’m Back! If you’ve been watching my Facebook posts or Instagram, you’ll know that Hubby and I have successfully moved to the new house on the French River. What a way to spend the first 3 months of a global pandemic. I did not touch my long arm or sewing machine from March to June, other than for making a few face masks for family. A few being less than 15, and hats off to those of you who did make and are still making masks by the hundreds.

While I’ve been busy packing and unpacking boxes, my Quilty friends have been piecing up a storm. As a catch up let me share with you a few of the quilts that have been made during the first few months of Covid.

Photos from left to right: Love Links by Andrea Lanthier Beaconsfield Quilters Guild, Love Links by Lillian Fisher Sudbury, Owl Panel by Val Letford Sudbury, Quilt by Val Letford, Love Links by Noreen Lavallee Beaconsfield Quilters Guild. Beautiful work ladies.

Just as a warm up and attempt to get back into routine, I custom quilted the cover quilt for my newest pattern “Harmony’. I started Harmony last fall in honour of the arrival of the grand babies. One in the UK and one here in town who were born 2 weeks apart. Both Moms and babies are doing fine. Growing like weeds, and with each video call they change and become more beautiful. My Harmony pattern will be available in a week or so.


Things are certainly different here in the studio. I miss the quilters that I saw weekly for class. They have expressed a lack of inspiration and I am sure as winter sets in, regular group meetings will be missed even more. I am hoping to be able to help a little, as I am trying out my internet strength and viability to do some Facebook live get-togethers. I will let you all know have this works as I figure it out. I was hoping that the French River area would have me Singing the songs of unlimited internet but I am sadly disappointed. Stay tuned for updates on that front. Speaking of updates, have you signed up for email notification to these monthly newsletter/blog posts. If not, click here and fill out the form. You will be notified via email as to when I post my monthly news. That way you won’t miss a thing. Also if you have been digging into that UFO pile during this time of isolation and have completed a quilt from one of my patterns, workshops or classes, send along those pictures. I will post them not only on the gallery page of my website but also here in the newsletter and my Facebook and instagram page.. We can all use a bit of show and tell to get those creative juices flowing.

Anything happening in the months ahead? Well you may have heard we have a new quilt shop in Sudbury. Gem Sewing has opened a on Lasalle Blvd. They have asked if I would teach a weekend workshop in November. Now before you go all crazy with covid concerns let me just say that I like preparing and if things look bad we cancel. I am a true believer in taking all precautions and am quite willing to wear a mask all day if I have to and self distance and so on. You get the picture.So fingers crossed and we will see how it all plays out in the next few months. I will be teaching my newest pattern (in the works) so no pictures yet but soon. To sign up, stop in at Gem Sewing and make sure to say Hi to Sylvie.



Let’s not forget Cindy Bee’s in Espanola. Cindy has a Block of the Month starting soon. I will be teaching a few blocks via Facebook live for those who sign up. Oh that should be a hoot - What could possibly go wrong there. I would sign up just to see the bloopers. LOL If you need inspiration, she has new lines of fabric coming in and I for one will be there for my shopping extravaganza. I sort of made her buy them so I know they are drull worthy.

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The Loft is open and ready for you and friends. If you have creative friends in your bubble and need a break just give me a shout. Book a few days to create and get away from the house and husband. (wink wink).

Well my Husband is clanging dishes in the kitchen so I’d better go see what’s up. Thanks for dropping by. Until next time, Stay safe, be creative and clean your sewing machine!