quilting fun

Yahoo! Its so nice to see you again!

Hello Friends. Overlooking the few snowstorms that we have had lately, spring is in the air. Easter is around the corner, and if you’re like me, you’re already starting to think about sunny days on the dock and checking Pinterest for new summer salad recipes. I for one am ready to say goodbye to winter and look forward to outside chores like raking and playing in the dirt.

April is the month of out and about quilting workshops for me. It is evident that we're starting to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, with quilters thinking about getting back to some good old-fashioned in-person workshops. I don't know about you, but I miss the sound of the sewing machines humming, the smell of fresh fabric, and the taste of baking during our mid-morning break.

I leave tomorrow, March 31st, for a much awaited in person get together with a few of my buddies. I will be away for a week, and I am ready for some me retreat time. I have packed 5 projects! Oh, you laugh, but how many do you pack when you go away on a quilting retreat.

I will be back just intime for Easter, and a weekend of unpacking. Only to repack in preparation of my next out and about to Chatham Kent. April 18, & 19, I will be spending time with the quilters of the Erie Shores Quilters Guild. Dazzling them with a trunk show featuring quilts using the Studio 180 innovative piecing tools and techniques. The next day is the workshop. Here the quilters will be making my pattern “Colour my Quilt”. They will get an in depth look at some of the specialty tool by Studio 180 Design and a unique approach to piecing and squaring up your units to create stunning, intricate designs with ease. No more struggling with wonky seams or uneven blocks - with Studio 180 piecing, you'll be amazed at how quickly and easily you can create truly impressive quilts. If you are in the area, the workshop is open to non-guild members. For more information or to register give Lydia Miljan a shout by email: lydiamiljan@gmail.com

I return home on Thursday, only to unpack to repack and off to Thessalon. The quilters in the Algoma region will be joining me for a fun filled day of adventure as we dive into the world of “all things flying geese.” Saturday April 22, has us making Flying geese by 4 using the Wing Clipper tool, and non-mirror image Flying Geese. There are two projects to choose from: Flying Geese Fun and Atlantic Flyway. If you have a Wing Clipper tool by Studio 180 Designs and it is sitting in a drawer somewhere, it's time to dust it off and join us. Also, that day, we will tackle the precision piecing technique of making Migrating Geese. Class will continue Sunday as we become more confident with these new techniques. All this is hosted by The Creative Basket. If you would like to join in the fun call: The Creative Basket (705)842-2018 

This all sound overwhelming but it’s just fabulous. Coming together, sharing our stories and our skills, and creating something beautiful and meaningful together. I can't wait to see your smiling faces, hear your laughter and your stories, and marvel at the stunning quilts you'll create using the amazing Studio 180 piecing technique. Quilting may have been on pause for a while, but now it's time to get back to doing what we love best - creating beauty, warmth, and love, one stitch at a time.
The excitement doesn’t end there. My daughter and family will be arriving from England at the beginning of May for three weeks. That’s right friends, granddaughters are coming. What is most exciting is this will be the first time I will have both girls and their families in the house for food, fun and YaYa cuddles. (That’s my grandma name!)

It seems everyone has been busy quilting, as you have kindly sent along photos of your new creations. I have had the pleasure of long arm quilting some of the completed Fair Isle Block of the Month quilts. This one by Lorraine Cwethko. Stunning!

Fair Isle by Lorraine Cwethko

Mary Bowmeester put on her creative hat and after taking the Wedge Star class (way back before the pandemic) turned the table topper into a full size quilt. Outstanding!

Mary Bowmeester - her own creation.

This beauty is pieced by my good friend Daintry Chitaroni. Scrappy is her way and she did not disappoint.

Daintry Chitaroni - All those little pieces!

Monique Welton sent along this picture of Colour my Quilt. I love to see the quilts on a bed, beautiful!

Monique Welton - Colour my Quilt

The Loft has seen a few groups brave the roads and weather over the winter. I remembered to take photos of these quilters visiting from Espanola. Their machines were busy buzzing for days and all the finished quilts tell the tale.

I am so excited to get back to in-person workshops. For me, I imagine a room filled with fabric, threads, and sewing machines. The hum of the machines blend with the chatter of the quilters, as they share stories and tips. There's a sense of community, of belonging, that's hard to describe. It's a space where everyone is welcome, regardless of their skill level or background.

Thank you for dropping by. Until next time, stay safe, and change your needle on your machine.

Who Knows Where the Time Goes!

Hello Friends.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was sitting on my dock by the river, feet up, sun shining on my face, and saying to Hubby: “We better enjoy this now because it’s going to be December before we know it...”. Well, here we are…

Some say time goes by more quickly as we get older. This past year, I celebrated the big 6-0 and I even took the liberty of parking in the “Over 55” spot at the drug store the other week but the pace at which these milestones are happening is far too quick for comfort. Hopefully Santa will get me a new anti-wrinkle cream this year.

Last month we were able to visit my youngest daughter in the UK for the arrival of her second daughter and our third grandchild. Now that we are back, it’s time to haul out the holly and I’ve been pedal to the metal with “to do” lists. So far, I am proud to report that I have the decorations up, outside lights done and most of the shopping sorted. It is so satisfying striking out pre-holiday jobs and errands and ticking boxes across all the sticky notes I leave for myself. I just LOVE fun stationary because it makes all these seasonal chores slightly less daunting. But, I am genuinely worried that I am going to need a bit more than a glittery notepad to get me through January. Before the new year, I’ve got to tackle year-end stuff and spring workshop prep so I am taking advantage of any free time and making the most of these valuable few weeks before it’s out with the ho, ho, ho’s and in the with GO, GO, GO’s!

Mini Bag class at Cindy Bee’s Quilt Shoppe.

Thankfully, we are beginning to be more comfortable being out and about in this unchartered post-pandemic phase. In the quilting world, guilds have been able to get back to in-person meetings and shops have started to host classes again. I was so happy to be able to welcome students back to my classes and attend a few guild lectures. My first outing was close to home with the French River Quilters. It was so wonderful to meet such a lovely group, see what everyone is working on and connect with my quilting community.

Tree Skirt Class.

Despite being away for a month, I have had several classes here in the studio throughout the fall. It has been nice to get back in touch with my regular students along with welcoming a few new quilters too! November had me back at Cindy Bee’s Quilt Shoppe for a few days where I taught a fun little bag (a great gift for Christmas or for packing in for holiday season travels) and a tree skirt. Cindy and I are working on some class ideas for 2023 so stay tuned…you wont want to miss out!

The Loft saw a few groups staying with us. A special seasons greetings to all our Lofter groups who returned for another creative get-away and a great big winter welcome to those who have come from far away.

Deanna’s rendition of PIKO.

Besides banking baby cuddles and visiting with quilters, I’ve been busy working on a new design. I am pleased to announce the release of my latest quilt pattern, PIKO, is now officially here – just in time for Christmas! I simply can’t tell you how excited I am to finally launch this pattern. I have been working on it for almost a year and I have to admit this is one of my favourite patterns so far. It is simple but stunning and doable in so many fabric colour combinations. I am so blessed to have such great quilter friends and thank you to all those special people who have taken time out to help with samples and pattern edits. Here is Deanna’s rendition of PIKO that she constructed while working through the pattern, checking my maths and construction methods. Well done my friend and thank you for your help – I owe you my weight in gold (post-turkey dinner!).

Either as a present under the tree or a new year project for yourself, you can order the pattern (and all my other patterns too) through my Etsy store or as a PDF download off my website.

Among all the deliveries from my Black Friday sale shopping and Christmas presents bought off Amazon, the fabric for the quilt projects I am teaching on the cruise are starting to come in. Cruise? What Cruise?

Yes quilters, it is official… I am teaching on a Caribbean Cruise this upcoming summer. Not only is the prospect of guaranteed sun getting me through the thought of four months of sub-zero temperatures, but I am also super excited to be teaching on a boat! Not to mention, no long Johns and no cooking. That said, if you are in need of a Christmas gift for that special quilter in your life or perhaps something for yourself, why not join me on a week touring around the Caribbean and quilting! For more information visit QuiltandCruise.com or give our cruise co-ordination Dawn Olmstead a call at: (302)630-6187

Important: The date has changed from a month ago. The cruise is now scheduled for the 21st to 29th July 2023. With everyone keen to finally be able to travel again, this cruise will fill up fast so don’t delay.

Now that the winter quilting season is well and truly upon us, I’m sure, like me, you have seriously ramped up sewing to tackle those special home-made Christmas presents and taking on the challenge of finishing all of your 2022 projects before the new year. Each year, I have marked in my calendar at the start of December to take time to do some much-needed machine maintenance. There’s nothing like a broken machine, mid-stitch, that will get you screaming indecencies that will certainly land you on Santa’s naughty list. So, be sure to clean the bobbin area where all the fuzz hides and change your needle. Also, maybe it’s time for a new seam ripper. They get dull as well and it’s frustrating enough having to take out stitches – you should at least do yourself the favour of doing it with a sharp seam ripper!

As always, thank you so much for dropping by. Until next time, stay safe, get outside, and start thinking about your next quilting project. I know I am!

Hello Summer! Hello Blackflies?


Hello Friends. With the arrival or some lovely warm weather I declare summer is here. I can back up my prediction by the arrival of those pesky Black Flies. They love me, they love my head. I must admit long hair is not my thing and when I finally get to go for a hair cut, I will have to explain what the big bumps are on my scalp. Yikes!! On a good note, our spring has been sufficiently long enough prior to bugs, to get those outside chores done and a little bit more before they arrived. Here at the River House, we decided to dabble a little into some vegetable planting. We will see how that grows! Flowers are in their pots and there was even time for some landscape projects to be done. So now that the bugs have erupted I am inside for a few weeks getting caught up on my quilting and deadlines for September.

.First off, a big Thank you to everyone who took part in the Quilt Alongs this past year. Your support for my new adventure is so appreciated. Colour Me Red and Path to Spring were big successes. All of you have done amazing work and the quilts look fabulous. If you haven’t already, post pictures of your finished creations as we all love to see what you have done.

As for my online Facebook lives that we called “River Ramblings”, well, necessity is the mother of invention. For those that joined me as I muddled through this new platform, thank you! My goal was to entertain and looking back, I had a hoot and hope I was able to bring a smile during those winter months as we were staying at home.


There seems to be a buzz returning in the quilting world, with folks looking forward to getting out and taking classes in the fall. I am so ready to get back to the classroom and teach in person. I do much better than imagining everyone through a dot on a computer screen.

So far, dates are being discussed for my retreat I at the Stronghouse Inn in Vermont.https://www.stronghouseinn.com/quilting-retreats/. It was cancelled last April due to Covid so I am excited to get back to the planning stages for that workshop.

Country runner.jpeg

Fabric is coming in for the pre-cut kits for the Quilt and Cruise in May 2022. I have made a runner alternative to the 36” square topper. I am beginning to cut the kits as the fabric arrives, so its a bit like Christmas here in the studio with new bolts about the room.

I urge you to get in touch with Dawn, our travel co-ordinator, if you are thinking of joining me, as quilters are ready to get out and do some quilting with friends. If you would like more information on the cruise please visit https://www.quiltandcruise.com for details. I have information on my website as well. Feel free to give me a shout if you need clarification to the projects or kits being offered.

I am discussing projects for the fall at the local quilt shops. Keep checking my calendar for a list of projects and the where and when as I get them booked. If you have something you would like to see offered at one of the quilt shops please send me a message or email your suggestions.


I have a few new notions I would like to bring into the studio for the fall, just to kick start our back to shopping experience. As we begin to see relaxed restrictions, I invite you to pop in if you are out and about this summer. Remember to call first to make sure I am around and not floating down the river in my kayak. :) Also may I invite you and your creative friends to consider some well deserved time away at “The Loft”. As soon as guidelines allow you are welcome to book your getaway. We are looking forward to hosting your group and sharing our little corner of the French with you.

This month I received a wonder quilt photo from Kim Weaver of her “River Rocks”. I may just have to start a love affair with blues and purples as this is just fabulous. Thank you Kim.

River Rocks by Kim Weaver.jpg

With summer here and the sunshine calling, I will not be posting newsletters or updates unless necessary for the summer. I will return to my chatting in September to bring everyone up to date with the comings and goings, doings and makings of all that goes on here at the Studio. Who knows - there may be new news to share. Until then..

Thank you for dropping by. In the meantime, stay safe, enjoy the summer and lets all look forward to getting a hair cut!