Hello Summer! Hello Blackflies?


Hello Friends. With the arrival or some lovely warm weather I declare summer is here. I can back up my prediction by the arrival of those pesky Black Flies. They love me, they love my head. I must admit long hair is not my thing and when I finally get to go for a hair cut, I will have to explain what the big bumps are on my scalp. Yikes!! On a good note, our spring has been sufficiently long enough prior to bugs, to get those outside chores done and a little bit more before they arrived. Here at the River House, we decided to dabble a little into some vegetable planting. We will see how that grows! Flowers are in their pots and there was even time for some landscape projects to be done. So now that the bugs have erupted I am inside for a few weeks getting caught up on my quilting and deadlines for September.

.First off, a big Thank you to everyone who took part in the Quilt Alongs this past year. Your support for my new adventure is so appreciated. Colour Me Red and Path to Spring were big successes. All of you have done amazing work and the quilts look fabulous. If you haven’t already, post pictures of your finished creations as we all love to see what you have done.

As for my online Facebook lives that we called “River Ramblings”, well, necessity is the mother of invention. For those that joined me as I muddled through this new platform, thank you! My goal was to entertain and looking back, I had a hoot and hope I was able to bring a smile during those winter months as we were staying at home.


There seems to be a buzz returning in the quilting world, with folks looking forward to getting out and taking classes in the fall. I am so ready to get back to the classroom and teach in person. I do much better than imagining everyone through a dot on a computer screen.

So far, dates are being discussed for my retreat I at the Stronghouse Inn in Vermont.https://www.stronghouseinn.com/quilting-retreats/. It was cancelled last April due to Covid so I am excited to get back to the planning stages for that workshop.

Country runner.jpeg

Fabric is coming in for the pre-cut kits for the Quilt and Cruise in May 2022. I have made a runner alternative to the 36” square topper. I am beginning to cut the kits as the fabric arrives, so its a bit like Christmas here in the studio with new bolts about the room.

I urge you to get in touch with Dawn, our travel co-ordinator, if you are thinking of joining me, as quilters are ready to get out and do some quilting with friends. If you would like more information on the cruise please visit https://www.quiltandcruise.com for details. I have information on my website as well. Feel free to give me a shout if you need clarification to the projects or kits being offered.

I am discussing projects for the fall at the local quilt shops. Keep checking my calendar for a list of projects and the where and when as I get them booked. If you have something you would like to see offered at one of the quilt shops please send me a message or email your suggestions.


I have a few new notions I would like to bring into the studio for the fall, just to kick start our back to shopping experience. As we begin to see relaxed restrictions, I invite you to pop in if you are out and about this summer. Remember to call first to make sure I am around and not floating down the river in my kayak. :) Also may I invite you and your creative friends to consider some well deserved time away at “The Loft”. As soon as guidelines allow you are welcome to book your getaway. We are looking forward to hosting your group and sharing our little corner of the French with you.

This month I received a wonder quilt photo from Kim Weaver of her “River Rocks”. I may just have to start a love affair with blues and purples as this is just fabulous. Thank you Kim.

River Rocks by Kim Weaver.jpg

With summer here and the sunshine calling, I will not be posting newsletters or updates unless necessary for the summer. I will return to my chatting in September to bring everyone up to date with the comings and goings, doings and makings of all that goes on here at the Studio. Who knows - there may be new news to share. Until then..

Thank you for dropping by. In the meantime, stay safe, enjoy the summer and lets all look forward to getting a hair cut!