And Bang! It's February!

Hello Friends.

And just like that, BANG! It’s February. I’m not even going to mention January – it totally got away from me! But… I really can’t complain too much because as I am writing this, I am beneath an umbrella, pool side, with a cocktail in my hand in Mexico.

There are a few reasons I think it is really important to get away for a “proper” holiday at least once a year. The pandemic has made that impossible for many as of late but maybe now we might be able to plan something for 2023 (a cruise perhaps!?). Whether it be a foot in the sea, toe in a lake, or hand in a tent, one should always allow themselves the opportunity to take a break from life long enough so that at some point in the day, you say: “I don’t know what time it is and I don’t care!”. And, while many of you know me as a real carpe diem kind a gal, I have spent the last few days seizing nothing but margarita after margarita….

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still been dreaming up new colour combinations at night and makings lists in my head while I doze on my sun bed. However, that’s not to say I haven’t had a few nightmares while I’ve been away too. The other night, I dreamt I was trying to take out stiches with my seam ripper and the seam NEVER ENDED! It just went on and on and ON and I kept picking the stiches out but the stiches kept coming! It was like some quilting hell or torturous seam ripping purgatory where I was caught picking out stiches for all eternity. I have no idea what I did so wrong that warranted so much seam ripping. Still, maybe it’s all the fresh salty sea air or all these mojitos, but it got me thinking. Even the best of us will spend some time in the naughty chair taking out stiches now and again but that is precisely when it’s time to fall back on fundamentals, principal quilting techniques, the basics that we all too often take for granted when you just want to get a project done. But, oh yes, that little devil seam ripper is always there staring at me, reminding me of its presence, forcing me to stay humble and always pay attention to detail. Neatly pressed seams and perfect points can make all the difference. It can turn a relatively simple quilt into a real beauty. You wouldn’t just guess how much butter and flower goes into a pie crust. Pastry is notorious for requiring precise measurements and frankly, I love donuts! Quilting is the same – paying attention to the detail and honing skills are what’s necessary to create masterpieces.

Anyways, as exciting as palm trees and sandy toes may be, I am genuinely looking forward to this year’s guild meetings, quilt shows and, most of all, in-person workshops. In light of my seam ripper nightmare, I’ve decided that my classes for 2023 are going to be underpinned with an emphasis on perfecting the basic building blocks and techniques that are essential ingredients in a recipe for beautiful, timeless quilts and projects – helping students become next level quilters. Quilting is as much of an art as it is a skill and it’s important to actively work on those skills to build confidence to take on more complex patterns – or perfect the ones you already have under your belt!

That said, in keeping with tradition, I have committed to embracing a word for the year….”Details”. Now, I’m not about to go off sweating the small stuff – no, not those kinds of details - but I am going to look to reinforce those practices which contribute so much for the overall end product, not to mention their longevity too! Besides, these are heirlooms after all. And if your children are anything like mine, they never let me live it down when my points aren’t matching. The fear that my grandchildren might point out lumpy unpressed seams on their quilts long after I’m dead haunts me! HA ha ha. I simply can’t have that!

Nevertheless, if you are looking to sink you teeth into a fun new project, this year’s Block of the Month starting this fall both at my studio and Cindy Bee’s in Espanola called “Anteli” is the one for you. It was created by Raija Solmaa (a dear friend and fellow Studio 180 Certified Instructor) and is perfect for practicing attention to detail. This quilt features 6” finished blocks and requires you to slow down and be fully present when piecing. A perfect quilt to challenge your quilting abilities and one that will certainly have you stand back and say, “Wow, I made that! What a lovely looking donut!” HA HA HA.

Of course, a full list of where I am and what I am teaching is always available on my Calendar. So, if you are interested in taking any of the workshops coming up at the studio please feel free to drop me a line to schedule your lessons.

And remember, don’t forget to book in that holiday this year! There is still time to join me for a few days on the quilt cruise exploring the islands of Aruba, Curaçao and CoCoQuay for a wonderful creative adventure. I am really excited to share my new pattern with all the cruisers and a load of delicious looking fabric has just arrived in the studio for the pre-cut kits. All of the pieces will be cut in advance so that we spend more time on the cruise sewing and can get happy hour on time! Contact Dawn at (302)530-6187 for more information or to register.

Thanks for dropping by, now, if you’ll excuse me, I am off to find a piece of cake! ….

Until next time, stay safe, stay warm and find a quilt class.