quilting tips

April May and June!

Hello Friends! So, this morning I opened my calendar, and I have to admit, a small scream escaped my lips. Can you believe it's already mid-June? My brain seems to have stopped functioning properly around the end of April when my inner Grandma mode kicked in with the arrival of Lauren and her family from England. I've been completely consumed with family time, soaking up all the cuddles with the grands. It's been such a joy to finally have everyone eating, sleeping, and just being together. My heart is bursting with happiness, and for that, I am incredibly thankful!

Oh, let me catch you up on what's been happening since we last talked. But before we dive in, grab a cup of tea and get ready for some tales. So, my first adventure was a Trunk-show in Elliot Lake. It was my first in-person gig since the pandemic, and boy, oh boy, was I a bundle of nerves during the drive there. It had been years since I did anything in person, so I was a bit out of my groove. And to add to the excitement, I had planned to use an overhead camera and projector setup for demos and showcasing the Studio 180 tools. Well, let me tell you, it was like riding a bike—with a few minor technical blips, of course. The quilters and I ended up having a fabulous and informative afternoon. Thank you, ladies, for making it such a wonderful experience!

Then, in the first week of April, I found myself in my trusty car, driving all the way to Bainbridge, NY. There, I met up with my besties from all over the Eastern US for a week of sharing new techniques, things we had learned, and, of course, quilting our hearts out. This time, we decided all of us should make the same project—a duffel bag. Now, let me tell you, the muttering that filled the air as we attempted to "sew" zippers, handle and other things was nothing short of hilarious. It just goes to show our unwavering dedication to quilting. Trust me, it’s so much easier!

Towards the end of April, the hubby and I loaded up the car and set off for Point Pelee and the Kingsville area. There, I had the pleasure of sharing my passion with the quilters of the Erie Shores Quilters Guild. Can I just say that quilting has taken me to places I probably would never have visited if not for this wonderful craft? I want to express my gratitude to all of you for taking me on these adventures to your neck of the woods. The trunk show was a hit, and the next day, we had a workshop where we worked on the project "Colour My Quilt." The quilters and I had an absolute blast spending the day together. It's always a joy to see my vision come to life through someone else's fabric choices and colour-ways.

We arrived back home on a Thursday evening, and you won't believe it—I had to repack my clothes and quilts the very next morning. This time, I was off to Thessalon, heading west. I spent the weekend there with quilters from near and far, hosted by the lovely Patty at The Creative Basket. We delved into the world of flying geese the Studio 180 way, exploring two projects and learning three different flying geese techniques. I had a fantastic time and made some wonderful new friends. I even got to catch up with some old acquaintances whom I hadn't seen since the start of the pandemic. (Well, I guess that goes for just about everyone on my friend list, LOL.) By the way, if you happen to be in the area, make sure to stop in at The Creative Basket quilt shop. It is quite a gem with lots of fabric, with some yarn as well. Also, Patty’s classroom and building is something you have to see and be part of. Oh and just if your wondering, Yes I did buy fabric, and maybe more then a little. wink wink

May was family month! Then Woosh its June. Quilters are back at regular classes here in the studio. I have had a few pictures come in of finished projects.  

First is Colour my Quilt by Sheila. Her rendition is in yellows and she has graciously donated it to the brain tumour society.  

Colour my quilt by Sheila Domonsky

Colour my quilt by Mary.

This next picture is from Mary. Mary was in my workshop “Colour my Quilt” in Kingsville in April. It is beautiful and so well done. Shortly after sending me the photo I received another email that said “STOP, I’ve discovered an Oops!”

 Well Mary, Oopses happen even to the best of us, myself included. May I say, I think your quilt is wonderful and should be shown even with the oops! Way to go! For all of us that have little mistakes that go unnoticed till its to late to fix, think of them as winkles! They are the life lines of our quilts. They reflect our passion and not always precision, our love and deserve to be loved and our dedication to the art of quilt making.   

As hard as I try, my mind swirls with new ideas for the fall. I am trying to get caught up with some of my projects that got set aside from the last few months. Do you find it hard to work when the sun is shining and the weather is warm? For me, the dock calls my name in the late afternoon and I can’t resist. There’s a part of me that panics when I look at the calendar and think, 12 more weeks and summer is gone! Yikes I wrote that and now you know too!   

During the summer I will be working on some new exciting projects that I can not share right now, but stay tuned as I muddle through my pile of “have to”, “should do” and “have to” list of things that get me out of bed in the morning. 

If you would like to book some time with me learning a new technique, getting some help on an existing project or just need some inspiration, feel free to give me a shout and book some time.

The Loft is also an option. If you’re from out of town and would like retreat space, and possibly book a class during your stay as well.   

Well I hear the dock calling, Thank you for dropping by. Until next time, stay safe, stay cool and visit a quilt shop.

And Bang! It's February!

Hello Friends.

And just like that, BANG! It’s February. I’m not even going to mention January – it totally got away from me! But… I really can’t complain too much because as I am writing this, I am beneath an umbrella, pool side, with a cocktail in my hand in Mexico.

There are a few reasons I think it is really important to get away for a “proper” holiday at least once a year. The pandemic has made that impossible for many as of late but maybe now we might be able to plan something for 2023 (a cruise perhaps!?). Whether it be a foot in the sea, toe in a lake, or hand in a tent, one should always allow themselves the opportunity to take a break from life long enough so that at some point in the day, you say: “I don’t know what time it is and I don’t care!”. And, while many of you know me as a real carpe diem kind a gal, I have spent the last few days seizing nothing but margarita after margarita….

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still been dreaming up new colour combinations at night and makings lists in my head while I doze on my sun bed. However, that’s not to say I haven’t had a few nightmares while I’ve been away too. The other night, I dreamt I was trying to take out stiches with my seam ripper and the seam NEVER ENDED! It just went on and on and ON and I kept picking the stiches out but the stiches kept coming! It was like some quilting hell or torturous seam ripping purgatory where I was caught picking out stiches for all eternity. I have no idea what I did so wrong that warranted so much seam ripping. Still, maybe it’s all the fresh salty sea air or all these mojitos, but it got me thinking. Even the best of us will spend some time in the naughty chair taking out stiches now and again but that is precisely when it’s time to fall back on fundamentals, principal quilting techniques, the basics that we all too often take for granted when you just want to get a project done. But, oh yes, that little devil seam ripper is always there staring at me, reminding me of its presence, forcing me to stay humble and always pay attention to detail. Neatly pressed seams and perfect points can make all the difference. It can turn a relatively simple quilt into a real beauty. You wouldn’t just guess how much butter and flower goes into a pie crust. Pastry is notorious for requiring precise measurements and frankly, I love donuts! Quilting is the same – paying attention to the detail and honing skills are what’s necessary to create masterpieces.

Anyways, as exciting as palm trees and sandy toes may be, I am genuinely looking forward to this year’s guild meetings, quilt shows and, most of all, in-person workshops. In light of my seam ripper nightmare, I’ve decided that my classes for 2023 are going to be underpinned with an emphasis on perfecting the basic building blocks and techniques that are essential ingredients in a recipe for beautiful, timeless quilts and projects – helping students become next level quilters. Quilting is as much of an art as it is a skill and it’s important to actively work on those skills to build confidence to take on more complex patterns – or perfect the ones you already have under your belt!

That said, in keeping with tradition, I have committed to embracing a word for the year….”Details”. Now, I’m not about to go off sweating the small stuff – no, not those kinds of details - but I am going to look to reinforce those practices which contribute so much for the overall end product, not to mention their longevity too! Besides, these are heirlooms after all. And if your children are anything like mine, they never let me live it down when my points aren’t matching. The fear that my grandchildren might point out lumpy unpressed seams on their quilts long after I’m dead haunts me! HA ha ha. I simply can’t have that!

Nevertheless, if you are looking to sink you teeth into a fun new project, this year’s Block of the Month starting this fall both at my studio and Cindy Bee’s in Espanola called “Anteli” is the one for you. It was created by Raija Solmaa (a dear friend and fellow Studio 180 Certified Instructor) and is perfect for practicing attention to detail. This quilt features 6” finished blocks and requires you to slow down and be fully present when piecing. A perfect quilt to challenge your quilting abilities and one that will certainly have you stand back and say, “Wow, I made that! What a lovely looking donut!” HA HA HA.

Of course, a full list of where I am and what I am teaching is always available on my Calendar. So, if you are interested in taking any of the workshops coming up at the studio please feel free to drop me a line to schedule your lessons.

And remember, don’t forget to book in that holiday this year! There is still time to join me for a few days on the quilt cruise exploring the islands of Aruba, Curaçao and CoCoQuay for a wonderful creative adventure. I am really excited to share my new pattern with all the cruisers and a load of delicious looking fabric has just arrived in the studio for the pre-cut kits. All of the pieces will be cut in advance so that we spend more time on the cruise sewing and can get happy hour on time! Contact Dawn at (302)530-6187 for more information or to register.

Thanks for dropping by, now, if you’ll excuse me, I am off to find a piece of cake! ….

Until next time, stay safe, stay warm and find a quilt class.

Things are starting to pick up!

Our property is filled with lupins and trilliums. I just couldn’t resist sharing a photo.

Hello Friends. As soon as the green houses open the and blackflies come out, I personally declare Summer has arrived. With the warmer weather brings a plethora of outside chores. My time is torn between my need and want to be outside, and the never ending list of projects and duties in the studio.

What a fun time with the quilters making hourglass units and showing them the ins and outs to my pattern Colour my Quilt.

Things have started to hop here in the studio with lots to catch up on for a change. First, I’d like to say a big Hello and Thank you to the groups of wonderful quilters that have come to spend creative time in The Loft.

My hubby always smiles when he walks past The Loft door and hears the chatter and laughter coming from within. I had the pleasure of spending some teaching time in the loft with a few of the quilters that were supposed to have been on the cruise with me. The cruise, unfortunately was cancelled (Thank you, No Thank you Covid!) as a lot of quilters still feel a bit anxious to venture out and about. I demonstrated a few of the wonderful things the Tucker Trimmer 1® can do, as it is my favourite tool for squaring up hourglass units.

They call themselves the Eager Beavers.

As a bonus, Lofter guests take a stroll to the studio where they can browse and shop for things in need and those on the “want” list.

If you follow me on instagram or facebook, you may have noticed I have been increasing the fabric that is available for purchase here in the Studio. Now that we live here in the French River area and with the ever rising cost of fuel, I felt that it would be helpful to neighbouring quilters to offer a convenient place to shop for their quilting needs. I am focusing on more of the common blenders like tone on tones and always have the common notions readily on hand. Of course I carry all Studio 180 tools and technique sheets as well as my favourite notions that I feel quilters should not be without. It is also nice for The Loft guests to have access to needful things and an excuse to purchase those not so needful fabric.

With the cruise cancelled, I have available, fabric kits in both colour-ways for Colour My Quilt and the smaller project, which can be made in a square topper or runner. I will cut Colour my Quilt into which ever size you’d like, lap, double or queen. Please drop me a line or call (705)698-7904 for more information.

New this past month to Quilting by the River is the ability to purchase my patterns as a PDF download. PDF patterns are now available on my website in the Shopping section. Paper patterns are still available through Etsy

Click here to see the list of PDF patterns available.

I have not spent much time at my sewing machine doing actual sewing, but, I have been busy designing a few new quilts. One of these quilts will be the designated larger project for my Next Cruise. That’s right, I’m off sailing again. I do not have much more to tell you at the moment but we will be sailing in the Caribbean July 7th to July 15th 2023. This northern girl is gonna be HOT in more ways than one. I am super pumped! I have made a quilt just for us and its a beauty. Too early to share photos but stay tuned for more info and pictures.

In the studio this month, one of my new quilters made her first sausage pillow case. It just warms your heart when you see the happiness in their face. This is Connie Maley and her first pillow case for her grandson.

I am off to Raleigh NC in June, to spend some time with Deb Tucker and other Certified Instructors for professional development. When I get back I will be full of new ideas and more tricks and tips for all of us here in Canada. I am very excited to join with others and talk shop for days. My husband will enjoy the break - wink wink. Gonna be quiet in this neck of the woods!

I think that’s it for now, but stay tuned as I have a feeling things are just starting to get a move on. Stay up to date with all my coming and goings and doings - Follow me on Facebook, instagram and make sure to sign up for my newsletter from my website.

Thanks for dropping by. Until next time, stay safe, smell some flowers and change your rotary cutting blade.