
And Bang! It's February!

Hello Friends.

And just like that, BANG! It’s February. I’m not even going to mention January – it totally got away from me! But… I really can’t complain too much because as I am writing this, I am beneath an umbrella, pool side, with a cocktail in my hand in Mexico.

There are a few reasons I think it is really important to get away for a “proper” holiday at least once a year. The pandemic has made that impossible for many as of late but maybe now we might be able to plan something for 2023 (a cruise perhaps!?). Whether it be a foot in the sea, toe in a lake, or hand in a tent, one should always allow themselves the opportunity to take a break from life long enough so that at some point in the day, you say: “I don’t know what time it is and I don’t care!”. And, while many of you know me as a real carpe diem kind a gal, I have spent the last few days seizing nothing but margarita after margarita….

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still been dreaming up new colour combinations at night and makings lists in my head while I doze on my sun bed. However, that’s not to say I haven’t had a few nightmares while I’ve been away too. The other night, I dreamt I was trying to take out stiches with my seam ripper and the seam NEVER ENDED! It just went on and on and ON and I kept picking the stiches out but the stiches kept coming! It was like some quilting hell or torturous seam ripping purgatory where I was caught picking out stiches for all eternity. I have no idea what I did so wrong that warranted so much seam ripping. Still, maybe it’s all the fresh salty sea air or all these mojitos, but it got me thinking. Even the best of us will spend some time in the naughty chair taking out stiches now and again but that is precisely when it’s time to fall back on fundamentals, principal quilting techniques, the basics that we all too often take for granted when you just want to get a project done. But, oh yes, that little devil seam ripper is always there staring at me, reminding me of its presence, forcing me to stay humble and always pay attention to detail. Neatly pressed seams and perfect points can make all the difference. It can turn a relatively simple quilt into a real beauty. You wouldn’t just guess how much butter and flower goes into a pie crust. Pastry is notorious for requiring precise measurements and frankly, I love donuts! Quilting is the same – paying attention to the detail and honing skills are what’s necessary to create masterpieces.

Anyways, as exciting as palm trees and sandy toes may be, I am genuinely looking forward to this year’s guild meetings, quilt shows and, most of all, in-person workshops. In light of my seam ripper nightmare, I’ve decided that my classes for 2023 are going to be underpinned with an emphasis on perfecting the basic building blocks and techniques that are essential ingredients in a recipe for beautiful, timeless quilts and projects – helping students become next level quilters. Quilting is as much of an art as it is a skill and it’s important to actively work on those skills to build confidence to take on more complex patterns – or perfect the ones you already have under your belt!

That said, in keeping with tradition, I have committed to embracing a word for the year….”Details”. Now, I’m not about to go off sweating the small stuff – no, not those kinds of details - but I am going to look to reinforce those practices which contribute so much for the overall end product, not to mention their longevity too! Besides, these are heirlooms after all. And if your children are anything like mine, they never let me live it down when my points aren’t matching. The fear that my grandchildren might point out lumpy unpressed seams on their quilts long after I’m dead haunts me! HA ha ha. I simply can’t have that!

Nevertheless, if you are looking to sink you teeth into a fun new project, this year’s Block of the Month starting this fall both at my studio and Cindy Bee’s in Espanola called “Anteli” is the one for you. It was created by Raija Solmaa (a dear friend and fellow Studio 180 Certified Instructor) and is perfect for practicing attention to detail. This quilt features 6” finished blocks and requires you to slow down and be fully present when piecing. A perfect quilt to challenge your quilting abilities and one that will certainly have you stand back and say, “Wow, I made that! What a lovely looking donut!” HA HA HA.

Of course, a full list of where I am and what I am teaching is always available on my Calendar. So, if you are interested in taking any of the workshops coming up at the studio please feel free to drop me a line to schedule your lessons.

And remember, don’t forget to book in that holiday this year! There is still time to join me for a few days on the quilt cruise exploring the islands of Aruba, Curaçao and CoCoQuay for a wonderful creative adventure. I am really excited to share my new pattern with all the cruisers and a load of delicious looking fabric has just arrived in the studio for the pre-cut kits. All of the pieces will be cut in advance so that we spend more time on the cruise sewing and can get happy hour on time! Contact Dawn at (302)530-6187 for more information or to register.

Thanks for dropping by, now, if you’ll excuse me, I am off to find a piece of cake! ….

Until next time, stay safe, stay warm and find a quilt class.

It's "very merry" time!

Hello friends, as I’m looking out my studio window, its hard to believe that there is a winter snow storm arriving in hours. The sun is shining and it looks like a beautiful day. According to my weather app, there is some pretty impressive snow total predictions starting this evening and going right through to Saturday. With the holidays starting only a few days away, there is something extra special about a good snowfall over Christmas. It’s like magic! It also helps keep the eating at bay, as we will all need to get out the shovels and wear away that extra helping of pirogies, with sour cream of course!

I was able to meet my Longarm deadlines for the year with only 1 quilt remaining, and that my friends will wait till after the holidays. As always I have too many quilts in various stages of construction and many, many ideas for new projects for 2023. The Mini Charm bag was such a success that I would like to have another bag of sorts to add to the repitoir. I am also considering a mini’s class or club here at the studio. I would love to hear from you and get your thoughts on these class suggestions. Cindy and I have been discussing new classes for her shop in Espanola. Keep an eye on her newsletter for her class lineup starting January.  

I am gearing up for out and about workshops, with bookings coming in for March and April. If you would like to know where I am teaching and when, check out the calendar section of my website. If your guild or group is interested in a lecture or workshop feel free to give me a shout to discuss the particulars. I am always up for meeting new quilters and sharing what I know about quilts and quilting.   Just a reminder that “The Loft” is available for you and your friends to have some time away for your shared interest. Available dates can be found on the bookings calendar on the website. Give your friends a call, after the busy holiday season, we all deserve a little “me time”.

It is always at the end of a year, we pause for a bit of reflection and gratitude. 2022 saw its fair share of continued uncertainty, with quilters unsure of in-person classes, rising costs of everything and just a world of not quite normal yet. So with the year coming to an end, I’d like to take this opportunity to say Thank you! Thank you for your continued support, for your friendship, and Thank you all for being quilters. It is because of all of you that I keep doing what I do.   

Now it’s time I got out for a walk before the blowing snow begins so, thank you for dropping by, until next time, 2023, stay safe, stay warm and Have a wonderful holiday season.

Holy Moly It's Winter!!

Look at all that Ivy growing in the trees!

Hello friends. I’m back! Hubby and I left Mid December to spend time with our daughter and her family in the UK. The visit was long overdue, but such a treat. We got to spend some valuable time with our granddaughter, and I banked all the cuddles I could to help tide me over until the next time. Life in the UK is a bit different in the sense that you can go for long walks and play outside without big boots, scarves mittens etc.. and that is just what you do. We had numerous lovely walks in the English countryside where I treated my eyes and imagination to the landscape and all it had to show. There is no artificial holly there as it grows abundantly most everywhere and the English Ivy! It grows vigorously up the trees and makes them look as if they had never dropped their leaves. It almost made me want to start an appliqué project. Heheheh!

There wasn’t much time for “work” but as the new year rang in I did think about my year ahead and my “Word for the Year”. The horizon looks hopeful, as Covid is becoming more of a thing we live with then a thing we fight. I am getting ready for 2022 to be a year that I get back into the swing of things. So with that thought my word for 2022 is: Perseverance! Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success, continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time. Thats it in a nut shell. I will Keep On Keepin’ On

So what’s on the horizon for Quilting by the River? I will be opening the studio to in house classes. So if you're feeling like you and a friend or two would like to get back into quilting, have a pattern that seems a bit daunting, or want to do one of my patterns, give me a shout and we can discus the particulars.

I have a few new patterns coming out this spring. The two quilt alongs that I did in 2020 - 2021 will be available for purchase shortly along with small project highlighting a new technique using the Wing Clipper tool™ by Studio 180. All my patterns and specialty notions are available on my Etsy site or the link here on my website.

I have spent some time preparing a quick quilt project using layer cakes (pre-cut 10” squares) adapted from a Deb Tucker technique. This one is what I like to call a “rice crispy square” pattern - you know, looks really hard but is super easy.

Come cruise with me: Royal Caribbean has extended the deadline for booking for the May cruise until Mid April. That means there is still time to book for your quilt and cruise adventure. I will be hosting a zoom info night on March 10th at 7pm. Our cruise co-ordinator will be in attendance to answer questions and concerns for those who may me interested. To attend the zoom, send along your email address to me at quiltingbytheriver@gmail.com and I will send you the link. My friend Sherri Hisey of Border Creek Station just returned from her cruise and they had a blast. So I say, “What could be better than sun, fun and quilting. I’d love to have you along for the adventure so don’t delay call Dawn today at (302)530-6187

In need of a few days quilting with friends and a break from the usual, The Loft is open and waiting for your arrival. Check it out here and book your mini retreat on the shores of the French River.

With the new year comes the revealing of Panatone’s Colour of the Year. “Introducing Very Peri, a dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet-red undertone. Its dynamic presence encourages personal inventiveness and creativity.” (Direct quote from the Panatone website)

Now I’m not big on the purple side of the colour wheel, but I did stumble upon a blend of colours that go well with the purple side of things. It has sparked my creative brain and I am excited to see what develops.

While I was away I did receive a photo of a runner pieced by one of my students. In her email she graciously explains that the patterns was a bit challenging but perseverance and hearing me in her head, got her to the finish line. Thank you Anne for the kind words, your runner is beautiful. Congratulations! However, I’m not sure hearing me in your head is a good thing or not. If it persists, take two aspirin and call me in the morning! LOL.

That about sums it up for now. I will keep you all informed of more things to come as we navigate the next few months. If your in the neighbourhood, I am clearing some older stock of existing pre-cuts and Batiks which I have reduced to make room for some new fabric. Call before you come to make sure I am around.

Thanks for dropping by, until next time, stay safe, keep warm and clean your sewing machine!