River Rocks Pattern

I've been here, there and everywhere!


Hello Friends. I’m thinking about all that has happened since I touched base with you with my last blog post. Although it has only been a few weeks, it’s been packed with workshops, trunk shows and best of all great quilters.  

The first weekend in May, was spent with the quilters of the Sudbury and District Quilting and Stitchery Guild.  The group spent two days learning about turned edge applique and all the extra stuff that we need to know to make our projects easy and beautiful.  I was so delighted to be asked to present a Trunk Show to the guild members on the following Monday at their annual Year end Banquet.  It is customary that I ask the quilters to give a big Hello wave to all of my other quilters who follow my blog. So from these quilters to all of you, “Hello and Happy Quilting”.

On May 15th and 16th I was in North Bay.  First, I was invited to share my quilts and stories with the afternoon group. Over the years I have had the pleasure of getting to know many quilters here in the North, and when I go to places like North Bay, it’s nice to touch base with those who I have had the privilege of teaching and now calling my friend.  One such lady is Deanna, who so graciously invited me to stay at her house.  I’m sure the reason was mainly because we have so much to get caught up on that chatting on the phone does not do us justice. 


Thanks friend I owe you one! The next day the ladies came together to learn the tips and tricks to making the River Rocks block.  I am hoping that soon I will have pictures of their finished projects to share.  

This past Thursday it was back in the car.  This time I was heading north to the Cobalt area, where I joined a lively group of quilters on a 5-day retreat.  The event was hosted by Gem Sewing, and in attendance were 20 some quilters waiting to learn all things related to flying geese and the Wing Clipper tool by Studio 180 Design.  As you can see from the following pictures, these ladies were into some serious quilting. 

A big Thank You to everyone who attended the workshops.  The organizers, local shops and most of all, the quilters.  Without you I would just be talking to the bears in the back bushes of Northern Ontario.  

Right now, I am busy getting my sample done for the fall workshop.  I will post the info as soon as I am done the quilt top.  Which may be sooner than later as today my house is getting covered by those gross tent caterpillars.  No real gardening for this lady.  EWWWW!!!  So mark your calendar as the date is set for November 10th and 11th. I had booked it for earlier but there’s a child’s wedding in October. 

I hear the mower going so I’d better check Hubby doesn’t mow the Lupins down. Thanks for dropping by. Until next time, stay safe, were bug repellant and eat some asparagus.